Nail Care

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A hammertoe is a flexible or rigid contraction usually affecting the second, third, fourth, or fifth toes. Most often a biomechanical abnormality results in the larger muscles of the foot and leg overpowering the smaller intrinsic muscles of the foot. muscles imbalance leads to a bending or "buckling" of the toe joints. These buckled or contracted positions create any number of problems within and on top of the toe deformity. One or more small joints become prominent on top of the malpositioned toe. Tendon, ligaments and joint capsules in that area have a greater chance of tightening and inability to wear shoes comfortably. If left untreated, these conditions can progress to ulcers or infections.

A flexible hammertoe refers to a reducible hammertoe in contrast to the rigid hammertoe where the deformity it fixed or not easily straightened. There are many causes of hammertoe. Some are congenital, hereditary or acquired. An inherited condition may mean an inherited muscle imbalance around the toe or a parent with a abnormally long toe. An acquired hammertoe refers to those with diabetic neuropathy can be more susceptible to hammertoes.

1 comment:

Hammertoes said...

Toes that are bent or buckled hurt when you put them into shoes. Parts of the toe can rub against shoes making areas of hard skin, known as corns.