Nail Care

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nail Trauma

Everyone at some time has either stubbed a toe or dropped something on a toe. When this happens, the nail often is injured and bleeding beneath the nail can occur. The nail may then turn black and blue and eventually be lost. Your podiatrist may need to release the blood under the nail, and it severe enough remove the entire nail. The nail bed or skin under the nail could have suffered significant laceration and/or a fracture of the bone beneath the nail.

This injury is serious and needs professional would care and possibly antibiotic therapy as soon as possible.

Regrowth of the nail after injury depends on the extent of damage to the nail "root" or matrix. These are the specialized cells of the skin that produce the hard nail plate. If the nail matrix is not involved in the injury, then the chances if having a normal nail return are good. If the matrix cells are damaged, the nail may return thickened and/or deformed

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