Nail Care

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Heel Spur Syndorme/ Plantar Fasciitis

The heel bone or calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot and projects backward beyond the leg bones to provide a useful lever for the muscles of the calf. It bears all of the body's weight with each step. The stress placed on the heel bone and its associated structures is tremendous and makes it susceptible to what is known as plantar fasciitis or heel spur syndrome. The pain that results from these disorders is caused by the inflammation at the interface if the plantar fascia and heel bone. The plantar fascia constitutes the long band of fibers attached at the bottom of the heel bone and extend to where the toes begin. It also helps create the arch of the foot.

Plantar Fasciitis and heel spur syndrome are usually the result of biomechanical faults. Biomechanical faults refer to such abnormalities as flexible flat feet, high-arched foot deformities and a tight Achilles tendon. The disorder place a greater amount of stress on the plantar fascia.

Other causes of the stress on the heel and plantar fascia includes recent weight gain, high-impact athletic activities, prolonged standing or walking, trauma, lower back problems, and arthritis. Pain could also be stemming from a microtraumatic fracture of the heel, causing a heel spur as a result of this injury.

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